Busdrone Lets You Watch Metro Buses (and More) Move Slowly in Real-Time

Busdrone Lets You Watch Metro Buses (and More) Move Slowly in Real-Time

Thanks to a commenter at Seattle Transit Blog, we can alert you to the existence of the cheekily-named busdrone, a Google map initially overlaid with Sound Transit’s and King County Metro’s real-time feeds, so you could watch buses beetle about the city for amusement, and possibly travel-related purposes. Now it’s got SLU streetcar and Washington State Ferries, too. Continue reading Busdrone Lets You Watch Metro Buses (and More) Move Slowly in Real-Time

Maybe Seattle’s Dating Scene is as Bad as Women Think It is

Maybe Seattle’s Dating Scene is as Bad as Women Think It is

We also don’t know, for instance, how many of the MCs were belated responses to an in-person approach, shot down but then regretted once an overactive fight-or-flight response subsided. Google, our age’s final arbiter, pulls no punches either way. Auto-complete for “Why are Seattle men so…?” yields “unfriendly,” “bad,” and “loud.” Continue reading Maybe Seattle’s Dating Scene is as Bad as Women Think It is

Who Made King County Transit the Tunnel Fall Guy?

Who Made King County Transit the Tunnel Fall Guy?

What Gregoire, Sims, and Nickels could do was present everyone with a fait accompli: a construction megaproject in midstream, and the promise of gridlock if more funds aren’t made available. Specifically, says Metro chief Kevin Desmond “about 125 daily bus trips and 7,500 daily transit seats will be lost — while tunnel construction and viaduct demolition continues into 2016.” Continue reading Who Made King County Transit the Tunnel Fall Guy?

Ride Free Area’s Door Closes, Free Downtown Circulator Door Opens

Ride Free Area’s Door Closes, Free Downtown Circulator Door Opens

On September 29, 2012, there will no longer be a Ride Free Area in downtown Seattle, for passengers of King County Metro. It’s primarily a cost-cutting change to help deal with Metro’s budget woes. Metro can’t afford to forego all those fare dollars from people who might otherwise pay. A new, free “downtown circulator” will assist low-income passengers. Continue reading Ride Free Area’s Door Closes, Free Downtown Circulator Door Opens