Tracking Liquor Prices in Liquor Stores Large and Small

Tracking Liquor Prices in Liquor Stores Large and Small

Do certain stores, large or small, chain or independent, sell liquor at better prices than others? To find out, we compared the cheapest fifth of vodka, rum, tequila, gin, and whiskey at grocery and big box stores (for simplicity’s sake, we did not distinguish between Scotch, bourbon, etc., and instead just included the cheapest whiskey we could find—usually Canadian) at various outlets. Continue reading Tracking Liquor Prices in Liquor Stores Large and Small

Classical Music on the Cheap: Opera at the Library

Classical Music on the Cheap: Opera at the Library

In this new monthly series, “Classical Music on the Cheap”, I’ll explore different ways of enjoying classical music in Seattle without breaking the bank. So whether you’ve resolved to spend less, get out more, or expand your musical horizons, be sure to check out Seattle’s vibrant classical music scene this year.
This month, I head to your local branch of the Seattle Public Library for a free preview of Seattle Opera’s production of Attila, the 1846 opera by Giuseppe Verdi. attila Continue reading Classical Music on the Cheap: Opera at the Library