In Seattle, President Carter Asks U.S. to Correct Course on Human Rights

In Seattle, President Carter Asks U.S. to Correct Course on Human Rights

China has adopted a slogan, he said, “Harmony at home,” that he’d like to see applied more in the U.S. as well. In his day, candidates referred to “my distinguished opponent.” And he fears the polarization caused by relentless negative campaigning will be exacerbated by the Supreme Court’s “stupid decision” that’s creating an even more massive infusion of money into the political arena. Continue reading In Seattle, President Carter Asks U.S. to Correct Course on Human Rights

Steve Jobs Wouldn’t Care for Your Nostalgia, Says Mike Daisey

Steve Jobs Wouldn’t Care for Your Nostalgia, Says Mike Daisey

Monologuist and Seattleite emeritus Mike Daisey gets an op-ed in the New York Times today to explain why, in essence, Steve Jobs’ death is no hindrance to the opening of his one-man-show, The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs, at the Public Theatre on October 11.

Calling Jobs an “enemy” of nostalgia, Daisey argues that casting a cold eye on Jobs’ legacy is exactly what Jobs would have done, were he around to take on the task. Continue reading Steve Jobs Wouldn’t Care for Your Nostalgia, Says Mike Daisey