The Divorce: Washington State Republicans vs. Big Business & Boeing

The Divorce: Washington State Republicans vs. Big Business & Boeing

But Boeing’s support — and that of heavyweights the Association of Washington Business and Washington Roundtable — for a $9.5-billion transportation package was not enough for Washington’s Senate Republicans, who were against a 10-cent gas tax increase (phased in over five years, upped two cents annually). Continue reading The Divorce: Washington State Republicans vs. Big Business & Boeing

Foes of SR 520 Bridge-Embiggening File Opening Brief in Federal Lawsuit

Foes of SR 520 Bridge-Embiggening File Opening Brief in Federal Lawsuit

The Coalition admits that “the existing 4-lane bridge is in danger of collapse” in their brief, but argues that it’s stretching truth and necessity to call the new 520 project “6-lane” when it tops out at 12 lanes (in Montlake, as it connects with various on- and off-ramps). “For instance, just east of Montlake Boulevard,” they point out, “the project’s width is approximately 250 feet.” Continue reading Foes of SR 520 Bridge-Embiggening File Opening Brief in Federal Lawsuit