Civil Engineers Give Washington a “C” on Infrastructure Report Card

Civil Engineers Give Washington a “C” on Infrastructure Report Card

Washington’s D+ subjects were roads and transit, even though, as the ASCE’s Shane Binder was quick to clarify, the state has very good track record in terms of safety — especially through its sustained reduction of highway fatalities — and a very good track record for accountability on its projects. Transit ridership, too, is far above the national average. Continue reading Civil Engineers Give Washington a “C” on Infrastructure Report Card

Our Snowpack is INSANE!

Our Snowpack is INSANE!

As Mass explains, the huge numbers are partly because areas have snow at all in late June. If you’ve been complaining about the lack of warm weather, you might want to temper your enthusiasm–a strong streak of sun would likely cause substantial flooding at this point. (That leads Mass to a historical digression about the value of dams in regulating meltwater flow, and the great Vanport, Oregon, flood of 1948.) Continue reading Our Snowpack is INSANE!