Maybe Seattle’s Dating Scene is as Bad as Women Think It is

Maybe Seattle’s Dating Scene is as Bad as Women Think It is

We also don’t know, for instance, how many of the MCs were belated responses to an in-person approach, shot down but then regretted once an overactive fight-or-flight response subsided. Google, our age’s final arbiter, pulls no punches either way. Auto-complete for “Why are Seattle men so…?” yields “unfriendly,” “bad,” and “loud.” Continue reading Maybe Seattle’s Dating Scene is as Bad as Women Think It is

Seattle, You’ve Got Nerve (Dating)

Seattle, You’ve Got Nerve (Dating)

Nerve is going another direction, and that brings them to Seattle “just in time for Valentine’s Day,” they tell us. Nerve Dating dispenses with the whole chore of the encyclopedic dating profile. CEO Sean Mills, deriding the trend toward algorithmic love matches, puts it like this: “For most people, the challenge is less about figuring out whether you like someone, and more about starting that first conversation so you can meet more people. It can be really hard to walk across the room and start talking to someone you don’t know.” Continue reading Seattle, You’ve Got Nerve (Dating)