Seattle Times: Unacceptable Delay is Unacceptable

Seattle Times: Unacceptable Delay is Unacceptable

“One thing is certain,” writes the Seattle Times editorial board, “the battle […] has raged too long.”

They are tired of “adding long months of delay to a critical project that some think already is a decade or so overdue.” Considering that “the freeway is almost at capacity at peak periods,” delay is too “costly in terms of in terms of time lost, higher construction costs and inconvenience to the public.” Continue reading Seattle Times: Unacceptable Delay is Unacceptable

ORCA Card Tips, Reloaded!

ORCA Card Tips, Reloaded!

April 2011 marked the second year of ORCA card life–“one regional card for all,” as the nerdiest transit payment system’s acronym spells out. In terms of broader public perception, of course, two years is like two weeks. Transit riders are still learning the ins and outs of the card, and Metro is still learning that their tips page is useless. “Website changes are coming,” promises the ORCA home page. In the meantime, here’s our brief tip list. Continue reading ORCA Card Tips, Reloaded!