“Full Rip 9.0” Uncovers the Northwest’s Earthquake Dangers

“Full Rip 9.0” Uncovers the Northwest’s Earthquake Dangers

Doughton’s story focuses on the geological record and its implications for the Northwest. Does the region face an offshore mega-quake and tsunami on the scale of Japan’s 3/11/11 event that will kill thousands and devastate the economy, or a series of magnitude 8 offshore quake and tsunami events that will cumulatively be nearly as devastating? Continue reading “Full Rip 9.0” Uncovers the Northwest’s Earthquake Dangers

Tons of Japan’s Tsunami Debris Due on West Coast

Tons of Japan’s Tsunami Debris Due on West Coast

The best analogy for the impacts of tsunami debris, explains Ebbesmeyer, is the 150-ton concrete-and-metal dock that washed up on the Oregon coast. More than 50 feet in length and about ten feet “tall,” less than a foot of it was visible in the water. Like the debris field, it was almost impossible to spot in open water, a hazard to marine navigation, and a Trojan horse of sorts: the dock was carrying more than 90 different, potentially invasive, species that were destroyed. Continue reading Tons of Japan’s Tsunami Debris Due on West Coast

The Great Washington ShakeOut, an Earthquake Drill, Set for Thursday Morning

The Great Washington ShakeOut, an Earthquake Drill, Set for Thursday Morning

“If kids come home from school and talk about what they did at school today and parents talk about what they did–and they both participated in the ShakeOut–it can lead a great discussion about how well the family is prepared, and encourages them to follow through on anything they still need to do to.” Continue reading The Great Washington ShakeOut, an Earthquake Drill, Set for Thursday Morning