Why That Fish You Ordered is Holding Up the State Budget

Why That Fish You Ordered is Holding Up the State Budget

Yesterday afternoon, the Everett Herald’s Jerry Cornfield reported that the delay in approving a Washington State budget was truly fishy: “Boeing’s opposition to fish study a sticking point in budget,” went the headline. With a government shutdown to come in fewer than five days, it might seem strange that negotiations are getting hung up on a mundane study of how often people eat fish. Continue reading Why That Fish You Ordered is Holding Up the State Budget

Will South Seattle Enter the Ozone Zone this Weekend?

Will South Seattle Enter the Ozone Zone this Weekend?

If you have been driving while it’s very hot out, mowing the lawn, burning things, or using aerosols, the state’s Department of Ecology is cross with you. Last Sunday after just a few days of actual summer weather, southeast King County exceeded the federal health-based standard for ozone in the air, which is another way of saying it’s too smoggy. Continue reading Will South Seattle Enter the Ozone Zone this Weekend?