Mariners Resume Crawl Toward Relevance, But “Let’s Not Kid Ourselves”

Mariners Resume Crawl Toward Relevance, But “Let’s Not Kid Ourselves”

Fans spent the offseason substituting a relevant question with an obvious and far less relevant one. Instead of the tricky “What series of moves will get the Mariners closest to a World Series title,” fans (and media) asked “Will signing Prince Fielder make the Mariners better?” The answer to the latter question was obviously yes, the answer to the former much cloudier. Fielder is entering his prime, and the Mariners manifestly are not. Continue reading Mariners Resume Crawl Toward Relevance, But “Let’s Not Kid Ourselves”

Wedge’s Last Stand? Mariners Manager Will Bat His Worst Hitter First

Wedge’s Last Stand? Mariners Manager Will Bat His Worst Hitter First

Probably you are already wondering: “Does Chone Figgins own pictures of Eric Wedge walking Aurora Ave. in high heels and a crop-top?” One struggles to find a less outlandish explanation. Wedge contends that Figgins will perform better in the leadoff role, where he batted while having more successful seasons with the Los Angeles Angels Continue reading Wedge’s Last Stand? Mariners Manager Will Bat His Worst Hitter First