City Council to Nickelsville: Stop Being Homeless by Sept. 1 or Face Eviction

City Council to Nickelsville: Stop Being Homeless by Sept. 1 or Face Eviction

“No one wants simply to displace campers,” goes the letter, whose sole clearly articulated objective is to displace campers. Otherwise, it refers to emergency shelters (which for many of the campers, homeless for years and proud of their limited possessions, would be step backwards) and permanent housing, of which there is too little available to accommodate Nickelsville residents, even if they were granted priority. Continue reading City Council to Nickelsville: Stop Being Homeless by Sept. 1 or Face Eviction

Will King Street Station Adopt a Greyhound? (Plus, Seattle’s Jumbo Ferry Passenger Problem)

Will King Street Station Adopt a Greyhound? (Plus, Seattle’s Jumbo Ferry Passenger Problem)

Crosscut alerts you the impending eviction of Greyhound from its Stewart Street location downtown. After 83 years in that spot, redevelopment has caught up with them, and they need to find a new station by April of 2013. Previously, planners had wanted to add Greyhound into the King Street Station’s multimodal mix, so you could catch an Amtrak, Sounder, or light rail train; a Metro bus or city streetcar; or a Greyhound. Continue reading Will King Street Station Adopt a Greyhound? (Plus, Seattle’s Jumbo Ferry Passenger Problem)