Pacific Science Center Hosts NASA’s “Destination: Station” Exhibit this Summer

Pacific Science Center Hosts NASA’s “Destination: Station” Exhibit this Summer

Astronauts are visiting Seattle next week to publicize a NASA exhibit — Destination: Station — on view at Pacific Science Center now through September 2. It’s a multimedia exhibit that tells the story of the International Space Station, its space-based research, and the partnership of five space agencies, representing 15 countries, that runs it. Continue reading Pacific Science Center Hosts NASA’s “Destination: Station” Exhibit this Summer

Seattle Aquarium’s Harbor Seal Exhibit is a $6.5-Million Stunner

Seattle Aquarium’s Harbor Seal Exhibit is a $6.5-Million Stunner

The harbor seal exhibit’s first day open to the public is June 1, 2013, when the Aquarium will be open, as usual, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $19.95 for adults, $13.95 for kids 4 to 12. (3 and under? Free.) Anyone who’s been before will notice that the new tanks are deeper, 6 feet now, allowing the seals the chance to dive more. Continue reading Seattle Aquarium’s Harbor Seal Exhibit is a $6.5-Million Stunner

Exploring the Outdoors, Virtually, at SAM

Exploring the Outdoors, Virtually, at SAM

Beauty and Bounty is the title of Seattle Art Museum’s summer exhibit, running through September 11. It’s art from an age of American exploration, when our early-warning artists twigged to the public interest in what sights the frontier held, and to the fragility of what feels like raw wilderness. SAM’s Derrick Cartwright mentioned the “enormous physical beauty” that drew artists out on endurance expeditions, hauling supplies out where there were no roads. Continue reading Exploring the Outdoors, Virtually, at SAM