Seattle’s Gun Buyback Program Nets 3 Street Sweeper Shotguns

Made famous by Jack Nicholson’s Joker, the Cobray Street Sweeper is a variation of the South African Amsel Striker, a shotgun designed for riot control. Its revolving cylinder holds twelve 12-gauge rounds. The ATF decided it had “no sporting purpose,” though owners claim to have used it for decimating quail populations.

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What Kills More People in Washington State: Cars or Guns?

I checked with Washington’s Department of Health death statistics. For 2009, they list 597 firearm deaths, compared to 538 motor vehicle deaths. In 2010, 592 to 510. Oho! you may protest. Those firearm deaths include suicides: 462 suicides, in fact, to 113 homicides in 2010. It’s true. But everyone killed by a gun is still a dead person.

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