Why That Fish You Ordered is Holding Up the State Budget

Why That Fish You Ordered is Holding Up the State Budget

Yesterday afternoon, the Everett Herald’s Jerry Cornfield reported that the delay in approving a Washington State budget was truly fishy: “Boeing’s opposition to fish study a sticking point in budget,” went the headline. With a government shutdown to come in fewer than five days, it might seem strange that negotiations are getting hung up on a mundane study of how often people eat fish. Continue reading Why That Fish You Ordered is Holding Up the State Budget

Japanese Tsunami Yields Up a Real-Life “Life of Pi” Scene

Japanese Tsunami Yields Up a Real-Life “Life of Pi” Scene

Two years and 11 days after the 2011 tsunami ravaged Japan’s coast, a 20-foot boat called the Sai-shou-maru washed up on the Washington coast near Long Beach. Empty of human life, it carried an unusual live cargo: five striped beakfish, with some “30 to 50 species of plants and animals” total, said staff at Washington State’s Department of Ecology. Continue reading Japanese Tsunami Yields Up a Real-Life “Life of Pi” Scene

A Few Rules for Seattle’s Small Game Hunters

A Few Rules for Seattle’s Small Game Hunters

People turn to the Seattle Times for many things, but not usually for instructions on how to cook and eat squirrels. The reaction in the comments section is varied, but quite a few are not troubled so much by the idea of “eastern gray squirrel braised in Lopez Island white wine with mushrooms and Italian-style rice,” as they are by the cook’s drowning of the squirrel.

As is often the case with trend pieces, the alternative press got there first. Continue reading A Few Rules for Seattle’s Small Game Hunters