Kirkland’s Le Grand Bistro: French Cuisine, American Accent

Kirkland’s Le Grand Bistro: French Cuisine, American Accent

You sense the more relaxed (in the context of French dining) attitude right away, as you glance at the menu. There are plenty of French names, but the ingredients are in English, so you can tell what you’re getting without being restricted to le burger américain. Some menu items, too, could be classified as French dishes that haven’t been discovered yet. Continue reading Kirkland’s Le Grand Bistro: French Cuisine, American Accent

Discovering the Foodie Appeal of France’s School Lunches

Discovering the Foodie Appeal of France’s School Lunches

Knowing there is an intense focus on “the right food” at school creates anxiety in a foreign non-foodie like me. Once I had to pack Lucien a sack lunch for a field trip and I lost sleep for days beforehand. In this country of refined palates and toddlers who eat foie gras and duck gizzards, I had no idea what to put in a sack lunch that wouldn’t earn me a reproachful look and a talking-to from the teacher. Continue reading Discovering the Foodie Appeal of France’s School Lunches