Seattle Symphony Showcases Lively and Somber Classical Favorites

The Seattle Symphony performed two contrasting classical favorites this weekend: Mozart’s Requiem and Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E minor. Conductor laureate Gerard Schwarz, violinist Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, four vocal soloists, and the Seattle Symphony Chorale joined the orchestra for the concert.

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Chihuly Glass Illuminates Seattle Symphony’s “Bluebeard’s Castle”

This Thursday, the Seattle Symphony performs Bartók’s opera Bluebeard’s Castle featuring by a lavish set created by local glass luminary Dale Chihuly.

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Toradze Unleashes a Torrent of Prokofiev at Benaroya Hall

Much of it the work is played at lightning speed. Toradze, like an elderly elf with his frill of white hair around a shining pate, used his whole body in the act of performance. His hands, a blur on the keyboard, were accompanied by his body rising right off his seat, while his feet, both of them, kept the rhythm with stamps and taps, even when the toe was providing the necessary pedalwork.

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Gerard Schwarz Takes His Last Bows–For Now

Schwarz has been a consummate orchestra builder. He has brought in excellent players, and his programming has been consistently enlightening, adventurous at times without turning off the audience. He hands off to Ludovic Morlot a fine-tuned precision instrument able to do anything Morlot requires of them.

The audience brought him and the soloists back three times. At the last one, when Schwarz signaled the orchestra to rise, concertmaster Maria Larionoff shook her head slightly and the orchestra remained seated, giving the applause to him.

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Jerry’s Swan Songs, and a Shostakovich 10th That Goes Up to 11

After 26 years at the musical helm of the Seattle Symphony, music director and conductor Gerard Schwarz steps down in a few weeks. His two concerts this month include the final works from the Gund-Simonyi Farewell Commissions, yet another commission by a group of donors, and Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony as his actual last directoral presence on the podium.

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