Hooray, Only Three Episodes Left of <i>The Killing</i>

Hooray, Only Three Episodes Left of The Killing

After Mad Men, one of greatest shows of the medium, put forth one of the finest hours of television ever, it seems almost sacrilege to turn our collective gaze to The Killing. But turn our gaze I must. For here we are. This Sunday, the first of the final three episodes of the season–and hopefully, the series–will air. To mark that, the most recent episode had the title “72 Hours,” which is yet another not-so-subtle nod to what remains of their audience. Yeah, we get it, 72 hours, three more days in this show’s timeline, till you finally reveal who killed Rosie Larsen, and I hate you for it, Veena Sud. But let’s power through. Day 23 of The Killing dawns foggy and rainy like it only is in the TV version of Seattle. Continue reading Hooray, Only Three Episodes Left of The Killing

So I Was Wrong About <i>The Killing</i>, So What?

So I Was Wrong About The Killing, So What?

I previously predicted that the incredibly stupid AMC crime drama The Killing was so stupid that the heretofore unintroduced character David Rainer (which should be spelled “David Rainier”), supposedly the real father of dead Ballard teenager Rosie Larsen, would end up being the alter ego of Seattle mayoral candidate Darren Richmond. Because of initials. And that was not the case. No, David Rainer was just a heretofore unintroduced character living in Blaine. Because that’s the flavor of stupidity we’re dealing with here. Continue reading So I Was Wrong About The Killing, So What?

Halfway Through the Second Season, <i>The Killing</i> Muddles Along

Halfway Through the Second Season, The Killing Muddles Along

I am thankful for Jasper’s father, if only because he was a part of this great exchange: “What ferry?” “The one that goes to that Indian casino.” Ah yes, Michael Ames’ alibi for the night of Rosie Larsen’s murder is that he took the ferry from Queen Anne’s Cove to the Wapi Indian Casino and then took the 1:30 a.m. employee ferry back to the mainland. Which is a terrible alibi since NONE OF THOSE THINGS ARE REAL. Continue reading Halfway Through the Second Season, The Killing Muddles Along