For <em>Hoodies Up!</em>, a “Seattle Seven” of Trayvon Martin Stories

For Hoodies Up!, a “Seattle Seven” of Trayvon Martin Stories

Back in March Seattle actor, producer, and all-around man of the theatre Tyrone Brown noticed that his mother, Beverly, was calling more often. In fact, she called him every evening just to make sure he made it home safely. Tyrone is 41 and has been getting himself home safely for some time now. What had changed was the killing of Trayvon Martin, which highlighted the dangers of being a young black man in American today. Continue reading For Hoodies Up!, a “Seattle Seven” of Trayvon Martin Stories

Op-Ed: Seriously, Will Nature-Deficit Disorder Turn Fatal?

Op-Ed: Seriously, Will Nature-Deficit Disorder Turn Fatal?

Is it courageous for a 3-year-old to stand her ground against a lion? Is it brave for the boy in this video to say “kitty kitty”? It seems a fairly culturally specific reaction. As an adult, knowing what I do about both Plexiglass and lions, I’d probably still step back from this lionness because I recognize this behavior is (in other, non-Plexiglassed circumstances) very dangerous. Continue reading Op-Ed: Seriously, Will Nature-Deficit Disorder Turn Fatal?