Seattle’s Shunpikers Slice $200 Million From Tunnel Toll Estimates

Seattle’s Shunpikers Slice $200 Million From Tunnel Toll Estimates

WSDOT is not normally in the habit of announcing that they have $200 million in fun money they have no use for. There exist WSDOT projects with perhaps more impact than ferrying 57,000 vehicles (per day by 2030) past Seattle’s core. For comparison, Mercer Street, which carries 80,000 vehicles per day, is getting a makeover costing $164 million, $36 million less than WSDOT’s estimating error on their $3.1-billion tunnel project. Continue reading Seattle’s Shunpikers Slice $200 Million From Tunnel Toll Estimates

Why Don’t We Tell People Not to Drive All The Time?

Why Don’t We Tell People Not to Drive All The Time?

Seattle, of course, had its own version of Carmageddon in 2007. 19 days of a partially closed I-5, not just a weekend. But at the end, out came the Y2K comparison: “Traffic got a little worse later in the first week — but remained far better than average, despite slowdowns through the construction zone. […] Now that we know how the story turned out, it’s tempting to poke fun at all the dire predictions,” wrote Clark Williams-Derry in the Seattle Times. Continue reading Why Don’t We Tell People Not to Drive All The Time?