An Interview with Kris Orlowski, Bumbershoot 2013

An Interview with Kris Orlowski, Bumbershoot 2013

We have this immediate gratification thing going on where we’re always on our phones: Facebooking, Tweeting, texting. Life is still happening as all of this instant gratification is also going on. I feel like I get caught up so much in my day-to-day – and not just the social stuff – but “What am I doing today? What’s happening tomorrow?” Pretty soon I’m so locked in to what I’m doing tomorrow, that I’m forgetting what’s happening around me. Continue reading An Interview with Kris Orlowski, Bumbershoot 2013

“Swift Arrows” and Grown Up Things with Shelby Earl

“Swift Arrows” and Grown Up Things with Shelby Earl

Shelby Earl’s 2011 debut Burn the Boats took a year to come together, painstakingly perfected with the help of John Roderick’s assistance with production. Compare that to the process for newest release, Swift Arrows, recorded in 8 days. Swift arrow, indeed. Produced by highly-regarded local singer-songwriter Damien Jurado, Shelby Earl’s latest album is a major departure from her debut in almost every way. Continue reading “Swift Arrows” and Grown Up Things with Shelby Earl

A Sea Wolf Interview from Sasquatch! 2013

A Sea Wolf Interview from Sasquatch! 2013

Sea Wolf’s Alex Church sits down with Kelsey Kaufman after his Sasquatch! performance. “Sea Wolf is kind of my project. I started it a while ago now — I think officially it was in 2004 — but I was in another band and it took several years for me to do Sea Wolf full time. So probably like 2006 was when I started doing it full time and that’s when it really started to become something.” Continue reading A Sea Wolf Interview from Sasquatch! 2013

Mudhoney’s “I Like It Small” Music Video, Right Here

Mudhoney’s “I Like It Small” Music Video, Right Here

“But Arm’s intelligently tossed-off witty words are matched by Mudhoney’s seemingly effortless, gritty signature sound: Peters’ tight staccato percussion, Guy Maddison’s ever-galloping bass, Steve Turner’s hip-deep fuzzy chords, and Arm’s occasional, similarly raw licks. Their studio records bear the punk-infused energy and power they unleash on stage; you don’t hear production.” Continue reading Mudhoney’s “I Like It Small” Music Video, Right Here

Seattle Modern Orchestra Explores “Layers of Time” This Friday

Seattle Modern Orchestra Explores “Layers of Time” This Friday

Founded by conductor Julia Tai and composer Jérémy Jolley, the Seattle Modern Orchestra has helped fill a void in Seattle’s classical music scene with regular performances of contemporary classical works. The ensemble’s concerts are innovative and engaging, with a focus on making contemporary classical music accessible to a broad audience. Continue reading Seattle Modern Orchestra Explores “Layers of Time” This Friday