Looking for an iPhone 5S? Hope you like Space Gray.

Looking for an iPhone 5S? Hope you like Space Gray.

Apple launched an online indicator of iPhone availability in their retail stores. While the colorful 5C looks to be easy to find in a variety of colors and flavors, the metal-cased 5S remain, like their color coded nameskaes, a rarer commodity. Locally, the best bet for a 5S seems to be a space gray AT&T model, but inventory appears to be in a constant state of flux. Continue reading Looking for an iPhone 5S? Hope you like Space Gray.

Microsoft’s Mobile OS Took the Summer Off From Selling

Microsoft’s Mobile OS Took the Summer Off From Selling

Geekwire has the news that the Windows Phone 7 operating system’s share of the smart phone market declined one percent for the three months ending July. That’s while the smart phone market increased in size, up ten percent from the previous three months. Google’s Android system led the way with almost 42 percent, followed by Apple’s iOS with 27. RIM fell to 21.7 percent, while Microsoft dipped to 5.7. Continue reading Microsoft’s Mobile OS Took the Summer Off From Selling