Get Ready for Summer in Seattle This September

Get Ready for Summer in Seattle This September

The National Weather Service notes that: “As of August 28th, Seatac airport has only had 0.12 inches of precipitation during the month of August. If no more precipitation occurs this month, it will rank as the 6th driest August since 1945.”

Now we’re looking at low-80s for Labor Day Weekend, according to KOMO Weather. But wait, there’s more. We could actually see high temperatures next week that count as high to people outside the Pacific Northwest’s air-conditioned zone–90 degrees even! Continue reading Get Ready for Summer in Seattle This September

April Shivers Will Come Your Way

April Shivers Will Come Your Way

When UW meteorologist Cliff Mass ends his post, “Don’t blame me…,” you know the news is probably not good. “Revenge of a Dying La Niña” explains that the good news is that La Niña’s cooler ocean temperatures are being replaced by warmer ones.

The bad news is: “But none of this will do us any good this spring and the National Weather Service is forecasting colder than normal temperatures over the next month.” Continue reading April Shivers Will Come Your Way