The SunBreak’s Picks for City Arts Fest Thursday

The SunBreak’s Picks for City Arts Fest Thursday

Now that you’ve all purchased your City Arts Fest wristbands (you did get yours, correct?), you surely need some help choosing what acts/presentations/events to attend during Seattle’s Last Best Festival of the Year. Enter your trusty SunBreak staff to offer their picks for Fest must-sees. Wonder if Mad Rad’s hushed acoustic set of fragile folk ballads will go over with a rowdy City Arts Fest crowd… Continue reading The SunBreak’s Picks for City Arts Fest Thursday

How I Spent My Bumbershoot (Plus a Photo Gallery)

How I Spent My Bumbershoot (Plus a Photo Gallery)

All in all, I find myself wishing Bumbershoot had more to offer me this year, but maybe I’m just being selfish. While I agree that my music taste is quite a bit outside of the majority, I can still usually find a full day (at least one) of Bumbershoot to enjoy. This year I was lucky to find four artists on Sunday that I was stoked to see. But it isn’t all doom and gloom–I did get a chance to check out a few that I wouldn’t have otherwise. Continue reading How I Spent My Bumbershoot (Plus a Photo Gallery)