Busdrone Lets You Watch Metro Buses (and More) Move Slowly in Real-Time

Busdrone Lets You Watch Metro Buses (and More) Move Slowly in Real-Time

Thanks to a commenter at Seattle Transit Blog, we can alert you to the existence of the cheekily-named busdrone, a Google map initially overlaid with Sound Transit’s and King County Metro’s real-time feeds, so you could watch buses beetle about the city for amusement, and possibly travel-related purposes. Now it’s got SLU streetcar and Washington State Ferries, too. Continue reading Busdrone Lets You Watch Metro Buses (and More) Move Slowly in Real-Time

Maybe Seattle’s Dating Scene is as Bad as Women Think It is

Maybe Seattle’s Dating Scene is as Bad as Women Think It is

We also don’t know, for instance, how many of the MCs were belated responses to an in-person approach, shot down but then regretted once an overactive fight-or-flight response subsided. Google, our age’s final arbiter, pulls no punches either way. Auto-complete for “Why are Seattle men so…?” yields “unfriendly,” “bad,” and “loud.” Continue reading Maybe Seattle’s Dating Scene is as Bad as Women Think It is

With Winter Weather On the Way, City Sets Up Snow-Centric Sites

With Winter Weather On the Way, City Sets Up Snow-Centric Sites

When you are stuck at home in a snowstorm this winter, you’ll be able to pinpoint the exact streets that you can’t use, thanks to work done in the off-season by Seattle’s Department of Transportation. The Winter Weather portal includes a street map to track closures and deicing and plowing work as it’s done. Most importantly, the map tells you which streets the city is dedicated to keeping open. Continue reading With Winter Weather On the Way, City Sets Up Snow-Centric Sites