At On the Boards, Mariano Pensotti Looks Back on a Damaged Decade

At On the Boards, Mariano Pensotti Looks Back on a Damaged Decade

Mariano Pensotti’s El pasado es un animal grotesco (The past is a grotesque animal) has just a few more showings at On the Boards; it closes February 12 (tickets: $25). If you’re in your early 20s to early 40s, then this is a show that is especially freighted with personal import. No, you may not have turned 25 in Buenos Aires in 1999, but you will recognize so much of what you see here, as Pensotti charts the defining arcs of adulthood: Either you grow into yourself, or you grow away from yourself. Continue reading At On the Boards, Mariano Pensotti Looks Back on a Damaged Decade