Just Like at Gawker, Commenter Rewrites Seattle Times Headline on Crime

Just Like at Gawker, Commenter Rewrites Seattle Times Headline on Crime

Overnight, a commenter on a story about the violent crime rate in downtown Seattle changed the headline for everyone. In a follow-on story to the shooting of a Metro bus driver, the Times supported the Downtown Seattle Association’s contention that crime is getting worse, before noting that the data say no, same old, same old. Continue reading Just Like at Gawker, Commenter Rewrites Seattle Times Headline on Crime

Seattle Takes Light Rail Train to Job Growth

Seattle Takes Light Rail Train to Job Growth

In a related Reuters story, APTA spotlights Seattle, “where transit rides rose 11.8 percent over the year as the metropolitan area added more than 30,000 jobs.” From January 2012 to January 2013, the state of Washington added some 65,800 jobs (98 percent of which were in the private sector), with the unemployment rate now holding steady at around 7.5 percent statewide, 6.3 percent in Seattle. Continue reading Seattle Takes Light Rail Train to Job Growth

Would You Pay to Park & Ride? Should You?

Would You Pay to Park & Ride? Should You?

The idea puts some Seattle Times commenters ranters in a tight spot, where they have to portray this eminently capitalist solution to a supply-and-demand problem as “socialist” because it is being thought of by a transit agency. (The reverse is clearly true: Free parking is socialism.) But at first glance, it seems like this might hurt transit ridership, and wouldn’t that be a problem? Continue reading Would You Pay to Park & Ride? Should You?

Make the Bus Suck Less–Advice for Seattle’s New Transit Riders Union

Make the Bus Suck Less–Advice for Seattle’s New Transit Riders Union

We were already running late–the driver had arrived at his second stop on the run 5 minutes behind and yawning, as if from a nap, and managed to coast a bit past every stop on the way, coming to a halt next to a pole, usually, that people had to insinuate themselves around to get on or off. Occasionally he stopped for no one. Continue reading Make the Bus Suck Less–Advice for Seattle’s New Transit Riders Union