Two Jonathans & a Chabon Are Fired Up About <em>The Flame Alphabet</em>

Two Jonathans & a Chabon Are Fired Up About The Flame Alphabet

That’s Jonathan Safran Foer, Jonathan Lethem, and Michael Chabon, who have all blurbed for Ben Marcus’s latest novel, The Flame Alphabet. Here’s Chabon’s outburst after reading the book: “Echoes of Ballard’s insanely sane narrators, echoes of Kafka’s terrible gift for metaphor, echoes of David Lynch, William Burroughs, Robert Walser, Bruno Schulz and Mary Shelley: a world of echoes and re-echoes—I mean our world—out of which the sanely insane genius of Ben Marcus somehow manages to wrest something new and unheard of.” Continue reading Two Jonathans & a Chabon Are Fired Up About The Flame Alphabet