Will Leap Leapfrog Kinect?

Will Leap Leapfrog Kinect?

But the tech space being what it is, Kinect already has a next-generation competitor: Leap, from the cunningly-named Leap Motion. Boasting that it’s “200 times more accurate than anything else on the market,” Leap Motion is taking pre-orders for a $70 little slab that “can distinguish your individual fingers and track your movements down to a 1/100th of a millimeter.” Continue reading Will Leap Leapfrog Kinect?

New SR 520 Toll Boosts Microsoft Connector Ridership

New SR 520 Toll Boosts Microsoft Connector Ridership

You know who doesn’t care about the new SR 520 tolls? Microsoft Connector passengers. Or, rather, they no longer have to care. When I asked Microsoft’s Lou Gellos if the Redmond-based company anticipated a boost in ridership of their private transit system, now that the 520 bridge is being tolled, he chuckled and said they’d already seen an increase: back in April, when the tolls were originally planned to go into effect. Continue reading New SR 520 Toll Boosts Microsoft Connector Ridership

Microsoft’s Touch Mouse is in the House (iMac Review)

Microsoft’s Touch Mouse is in the House (iMac Review)

It’s a little weird, because The SunBreak is a Mac house, and the Touch series is optimized for Windows 7. However, you know what? I really like Microsoft’s peripheral hardware. In my experience, it’s solidly built, ergonomic, and blessedly multi-function. This is unlike Apple’s crazy Magic Mouse with that “seamless, one-button design” that no one has ever wanted, or the Magic Trackpad, which I immediately threw across the room when the Touch showed up. Continue reading Microsoft’s Touch Mouse is in the House (iMac Review)

Washington’s Unemployment Rate & Economic Outlook, October/November Edition

Washington’s Unemployment Rate & Economic Outlook, October/November Edition

Here’s a riddle for you. Washington State’s unemployment rate is tracked to the tenth of a percentage point (though whether the data supports that level of precision is arguable). It has “fallen” for seven out of ten months in 2011, yet in January the (preliminary) rate was 9.1 percent and in October it was 9.0. Is this a new instance of Zeno’s Paradox? Continue reading Washington’s Unemployment Rate & Economic Outlook, October/November Edition

Microsoft’s Mobile OS Took the Summer Off From Selling

Microsoft’s Mobile OS Took the Summer Off From Selling

Geekwire has the news that the Windows Phone 7 operating system’s share of the smart phone market declined one percent for the three months ending July. That’s while the smart phone market increased in size, up ten percent from the previous three months. Google’s Android system led the way with almost 42 percent, followed by Apple’s iOS with 27. RIM fell to 21.7 percent, while Microsoft dipped to 5.7. Continue reading Microsoft’s Mobile OS Took the Summer Off From Selling

Earthquake Prep: Is the Northwest Tech Sector Ready?

Earthquake Prep: Is the Northwest Tech Sector Ready?

Bellevue does sit right on top of the Seattle Fault Zone, on a section that has broken the surface and thrust itself upward. As such, the area has experienced repeated very intense shaking, much larger than any of the earthquakes we’ve had since the city was founded. Are Eastside buildings ready for that earthquake? It is worth taking the time to work out how well the buildings you occupy handle quakes: Were they built with earthquakes in mind? Continue reading Earthquake Prep: Is the Northwest Tech Sector Ready?