Ballmer and Nordstrom Brothers’ New Triangle Offense May Get NBA’s Attention

Ballmer and Nordstrom Brothers’ New Triangle Offense May Get NBA’s Attention

Yesterday a buzz started building that something new was afoot in the attempt to bring the NBA back to Seattle. Insiders were whispering about a game-changer. This morning, it’s clear what that is: Hedge-fund manager Chris Hansen revealed three big investor names on KJR Sports Radio: Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer, and Erik and Peter Nordstrom. Continue reading Ballmer and Nordstrom Brothers’ New Triangle Offense May Get NBA’s Attention

King Street’s Jackson Plaza Gets a Grand Opening

King Street’s Jackson Plaza Gets a Grand Opening

As for the plaza itself, Seattle Transit Blog says: “The plaza has yet to house any vendors/businesses, so I wouldn’t expect there to be a sudden renewal of vibrancy and activity. There are some fairly unique design elements, however, like an all-gravel floor, which almost gives the appearance of a giant Zen garden.”

One feature of the still-young trees, as you can see, is to almost obscure the King Street Station’s sign from the street. Continue reading King Street’s Jackson Plaza Gets a Grand Opening

Why Do We Hate the Mayor So Much?

Why Do We Hate the Mayor So Much?

“Only fair” sounds like a gentleman’s C, to me, and not to be unexpected from someone who is a) new to working within city government, b) taking up controversial positions, c) an outstandingly impolitic speaker, and d) in the unlucky position of cutting spending everywhere. (Just for the record, I’d give McGinn a C myself; though I sympathize with his positions on many issues, his ability to work the Seattle process out of stalemate is very much in doubt. So far, as a coalition-builder he’s failed, and he too often takes his eye off the daily government ball to fasten onto hot-topic issues.) Continue reading Why Do We Hate the Mayor So Much?