WhitePages Makes a Social Splash with Android Caller ID

WhitePages Makes a Social Splash with Android Caller ID

WhitePages does have an iPhone app that lets you do some of the things, manually, that Current does automatically. But it’s on Android that the app is fully integrated, so that it supplements the native Android call screen with relevant information. The result has been called “the future of smartphone calling” (VentureBeat), ” the ultimate app for chit-chat” (GeekWire), and “caller ID for the mobile and social era” (Fast Company). Continue reading WhitePages Makes a Social Splash with Android Caller ID

Inside Tabbedout, the Futuristic Way to Dine (and Drink) and Dash

Inside Tabbedout, the Futuristic Way to Dine (and Drink) and Dash

The Tabbedout mobile phone app (in iPhone and Android flavors) lets you walk into a bar or restaurant, open a tab without reaching for your credit card, eat and drink, and pay–all on your phone. Well, not the eating and drinking part, unless you are messy. If you have ever waited 20 minutes to pay because your waiter got slammed just as you called for the check, or got stuck in a massive line at the end of a show because everyone is paying at once (or trying to), or have blithely walked out of a bar with your credit card tab open, you can see the benefit. Continue reading Inside Tabbedout, the Futuristic Way to Dine (and Drink) and Dash