Four Million Little Pieces of MOHAI

At the armory, MOHAI is laid out vertically, and visitors wind their way around the edges of central open space that dwarfs a Boeing B-1 (its floats designed by George Pocock) and a legendary hydroplane. The new venue’s layout gives the museum, which claims to possess some four million artifacts, room to breathe, so that when you stumble across the wooden sandwich board advertising the original Starbucks, it stands out.

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What’s-That-Thingamajig? Comes to MOHAI this Saturday

All categories of collecting, from toys to vintage clothes, antiques to art, and ephemera to books are inundated with fakes and reproductions. At the same time, many truly valuable items are simply hiding in plain site. If you intend to sell some of your valuable items to raise some cash, or are curious about the history behind a cherished item, Seattleā€™s Museum of History and Industry can help.

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MOHAI’s Grand Opening on Lake Union is This Saturday

Are you ready to MOHAI, Lake Union? This Saturday, December 29, is MOHAI’s Grand Opening in the museum’s new lakeside digs, but members and supporters are getting sneak previews today. Saturday’s admission is free, but you had to pre-register, and as of now, all the pre-registrations are filled from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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New Title at Amazon: Jeff Bezos & the $10 Million MOHAI Grant

True, the $10 million grant isn’t from Amazon, apparently, but from CEO Jeff Bezos. Still, it should do something to stem those stingy-Amazon stories that pop up. And it couldn’t come at a better time: Moves into new buildings can be non-profit killers, as a host of one-time and adjustments to fixed costs come to be “discovered” after the fact.

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