City Council to Nickelsville: Stop Being Homeless by Sept. 1 or Face Eviction

City Council to Nickelsville: Stop Being Homeless by Sept. 1 or Face Eviction

“No one wants simply to displace campers,” goes the letter, whose sole clearly articulated objective is to displace campers. Otherwise, it refers to emergency shelters (which for many of the campers, homeless for years and proud of their limited possessions, would be step backwards) and permanent housing, of which there is too little available to accommodate Nickelsville residents, even if they were granted priority. Continue reading City Council to Nickelsville: Stop Being Homeless by Sept. 1 or Face Eviction

Seattle to NBA: Do We Get Our Sonics Back or Not?

Seattle to NBA: Do We Get Our Sonics Back or Not?

The biggest question remains unanswered: If the NBA cancels Hansen’s purchase agreement, by what mechanism would the league force the current owners to sell to the Sacramento group? As I have written here before, this fact—that a purchase agreement has been signed, that the Kings are not a beef cattle up for auction—is the single strongest factor in the Seattle group’s favor. Continue reading Seattle to NBA: Do We Get Our Sonics Back or Not?