Cash-Strapped and Debt-Burdened, Seattle’s Major Arts Institutions Face Leadership Transitions, Too

Cash-Strapped and Debt-Burdened, Seattle’s Major Arts Institutions Face Leadership Transitions, Too

“Kimerly Rorschach, new SAM director, is a museum-builder,” runs the headline in the Seattle Times the morning after Rorschach’s appointment was announced. It’s an odd lede because Seattle Art Museum–and the Seattle Asian Art Museum and Olympic Sculpture Park–are, well…built. Continue reading Cash-Strapped and Debt-Burdened, Seattle’s Major Arts Institutions Face Leadership Transitions, Too

SunBreak Giveaway: Starbucks Puts On a Little Big Show with Pickwick and Fly Moon Royalty

SunBreak Giveaway: Starbucks Puts On a Little Big Show with Pickwick and Fly Moon Royalty

With Valentine’ Day coming up, Starbucks decided to partner up with KEXP and Seattle Theatre Group to draft their own love letter to the arts community in Seattle. So it is that next Thursday brings the inaugural Little Big Show to the Neptune, with all proceeds going to local non-profit Arts Corps, which provides young people with access to arts education. Continue reading SunBreak Giveaway: Starbucks Puts On a Little Big Show with Pickwick and Fly Moon Royalty

Adventures in Arts Marketing: Le Mot Juste & the Power of Ritual

Adventures in Arts Marketing: Le Mot Juste & the Power of Ritual

This post would have been a review of Wim Wenders’ film Pina, his 3D film about Pina Bausch, which had a “secret” screening for SIFF members last night at SIFF’s Uptown theater. About a week ago, an invitation popped into my overstuffed email inbox, offering me a free sneak peek. I happen to be a new SIFF member, and while I get invited to press screenings, there’s nothing like the feeling of seeing a film with a “real” audience, so I was happy to try this benefit out. Continue reading Adventures in Arts Marketing: Le Mot Juste & the Power of Ritual

The GiveBIG Experiment Goes Live–But Will It Go Really Big?

The GiveBIG Experiment Goes Live–But Will It Go Really Big?

Former Seattle mayor Norm Rice, the foundation’s president and CEO, captures the good intentions behind the effort: “GiveBIG provides an opportunity to see how much good we can do as a community, working together.” Updates will be announced throughout the day on the Seattle Foundation’s Facebook page.

The Seattle Foundation has already had to add server capacity this morning, passing the $1 million mark by 10:16 a.m. Continue reading The GiveBIG Experiment Goes Live–But Will It Go Really Big?

Arts Marketing for Dummies

Arts Marketing for Dummies

Jeremy Barker, our At-Large Arts contributor, forwarded me some “new thinking,” that reminded me of the kinds of solutions that conflict with institutional values. Joanna Harmon in Minneapolis asks:

“What if small companies and loose collectives of theatre artists were enabled by a single group of administrators, rather than each company reinventing its administrative wheel?”

This will sound more or less interesting to you–I’m willing to bet–depending upon your role in arts administration. Continue reading Arts Marketing for Dummies