“Beat the Bridge” Diabetes Fun Run-Walk-Roll Hits Montlake Sunday

“Beat the Bridge” Diabetes Fun Run-Walk-Roll Hits Montlake Sunday

Nordstrom and JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) are your hosts for the 31st annual Nordstrom Beat the Bridge race-slash-fundraiser at Husky Stadium this Sunday, May 19. But first, the traffic. Expect Montlake Boulevard NE between NE 44th Street and NE Pacific Street to be closed by 7:30 a.m. for staging. Continue reading “Beat the Bridge” Diabetes Fun Run-Walk-Roll Hits Montlake Sunday

Live From the New Nordstrom Rack, Which Opens Thursday

Live From the New Nordstrom Rack, Which Opens Thursday

This new Rack, square-footage-wise, is the same size as the old Rack on the, uh, bustling corner of 2nd and Pine. But instead of being crammed onto three levels, the new Rack is all one floor on the bottom of Westlake. So, for the employees, no more huffing it up the stairs every time you need to talk to someone. There are other improvements. “We have real nice dressing rooms with doors now,” one salesperson gushed. Continue reading Live From the New Nordstrom Rack, Which Opens Thursday

The Kindle Fire This Time & the Inevitable Crumbling of Bricks

The Kindle Fire This Time & the Inevitable Crumbling of Bricks

It’s not precisely news, but within these developments lies a good deal of tension: If the online shopping experience is as good as the in-store, or even exceeds the in-store in certain ways, then shareholders start to wonder what the point is in brick-and-mortar stores so expensive that they don’t edge into the black until the Friday after Thanksgiving. Continue reading The Kindle Fire This Time & the Inevitable Crumbling of Bricks