Passport to Pleasure: Paris in (Food) Pictures

How would I allocate my limited number of meal slots to all the restaurants on my list? And what about all the patisseries, boulangeries, fromageries and more I wanted to visit? I knew what I had to do. I took a map with outlines of the arrondissements and penciled in potential places to eat, then mapped out what made sense to do each day. Paris is a perfect place for walking, so my partner and I would stroll eatery to eatery, filling in the time between meals with geographically convenient visits to shops, parks, museums, and whatever else struck our fancy.

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Passport to Pleasure: Onshore at Orcas (Part 2)

After a fun first day on Orcas Island, you’ll find that waking up on the island brings a further sense of relaxation. And a desire for exploration, at whatever pace you’d like. Enjoy a slow, well-deserved morning with your loved one, lingering over breakfast at Otters Pond Bed and Breakfast, where you stayed for your first overnight. You might be sad to check out of such a restful place, but there’s still a lot to do and see. And eat. Passport to Pleasure—a hedonistic quest for good food and good times—continues with more food finds and romantic discoveries on Orcas Island.

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