Adventuresome Forms Take Shape at Sandbox Radio Live!

Adventuresome Forms Take Shape at Sandbox Radio Live!

Aside from the technical achievements the music is far and away the strongest piece of this collaboration. Music Director José “Juicy” Gonzales leads on piano with five-string bass, drums, and clarinet doubling on accordion. Ms. Law chimes in on keyboard while keeping the show on track as producer. The band provides the through line for the production with effective underscoring and an inclination for funk when the music is able to take the focus. Continue reading Adventuresome Forms Take Shape at Sandbox Radio Live!

For <em>Hoodies Up!</em>, a “Seattle Seven” of Trayvon Martin Stories

For Hoodies Up!, a “Seattle Seven” of Trayvon Martin Stories

Back in March Seattle actor, producer, and all-around man of the theatre Tyrone Brown noticed that his mother, Beverly, was calling more often. In fact, she called him every evening just to make sure he made it home safely. Tyrone is 41 and has been getting himself home safely for some time now. What had changed was the killing of Trayvon Martin, which highlighted the dangers of being a young black man in American today. Continue reading For Hoodies Up!, a “Seattle Seven” of Trayvon Martin Stories

Lessons From the Daisey Debacle, From Seattle Playwright Paul Mullin

Lessons From the Daisey Debacle, From Seattle Playwright Paul Mullin

It certainly was exciting to watch “David” Mike take on “Goliath” Apple from the stage of my local regional theatre; and certainly my local regional theatre enjoys, along with regional theatres across the country, the imprimatur of international relevance when such a story as Agony/Ecstasy gets told. However, we lose a huge opportunity when our big houses keep mounting the very same one-man show, instead of staging local news that actually has as much, if not more, to do with the lives of local audiences as does Applegate. Continue reading Lessons From the Daisey Debacle, From Seattle Playwright Paul Mullin