The Dirt on Seattle’s Tunnel-Vision Future

The Dirt on Seattle’s Tunnel-Vision Future

“Where is the last place that I would want to be, during a big Seattle Fault earthquake or a subduction zone quake if there was a reasonable-sized tsunami in Puget Sound?” Montgomery added, finishing his thought. “The last place I’d want to be is in a big hole under the waterfront.”

However compelling he is in laying all this out, short-term catastrophes are not what Montgomery spends most of his time thinking about. His last book, Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, is required reading for anyone who’s read Jared Diamond’s Collapse. Continue reading The Dirt on Seattle’s Tunnel-Vision Future

Will We Drown in Climate Change Denial?

Will We Drown in Climate Change Denial?

Ironically, though he commands an audience other scientists only dream of–you’ve likely seen Peter Ward on PBS, or might even have seen him unsettling the audience at TED–the exposure has mainly given Ward insight into the Cassandra effect. If your view of a calamity is sufficiently horrific, it gets described as a “dystopian vision,” which makes it sound like a literary threat. A year after publication of The Flooded Earth, he sees a “complete lack of action, a complete lack of conversation” on the realities of climate change. Continue reading Will We Drown in Climate Change Denial?