Jon Kimura Parker Takes on Mussorgsky, Rachmaninoff, Prokofiev & Stravinsky

The evening was an awesome physical feat for any performer, but at the very end, Parker’s fingers were as nimble, as accurate, his touch as relaxed, his playing as clean and rhymic as it all had been at the start. And after it, he played an encore, a quiet, rippling Rachmaninoff prelude.

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At UW President’s Piano Series, Angela Hewitt Brings Sexy Bach

In each generation there seems to rise one person who is a towering figure at performing and interpreting Bach on the piano. In the 1980s, it was Andras Schiff. Today it is Angela Hewitt, who brought her artistry and insight to the UW President’s Piano Series Tuesday night at Meany Hall.

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Loving Every Note of Garrick Ohlsson’s Exquisite Liszt

Liszt’s transcription of Bach’s “great” Fantasy and Fugue in G Minor is unmistakeably still Bach, particularly the Fugue which is barely touched and which Ohlsson played with exquisite articulation and phrasing. Liszt embellishes the Fantasy so that the piano most nearly approximates the organ sound with all its stops, and the whole has the majesty of the original with Ohlsson using plenty of pedal to enhance it further.

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Till Fellner Turns in a Cool, Crisp Performance at Meany’s President’s Piano Series

Fellner, who has also studied with Brendel, has that great pianist’s thoughtful and less-is-more approach to understanding a composer, but his performance Tuesday could have used more warmth. That said, his performance of Haydn’s Sonata in C major, Hob XVI:50, composed quite late in the composer’s life, was a marvel of elegance, clarity and exquisite touch.

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