SIFF 2013 Pro-Tips, or Let’s Get Ready to Festival

SIFF 2013 Pro-Tips, or Let’s Get Ready to Festival

Here we are again, on the verge of the annual marathon known as the Seattle International Film Festival. SIFF 2013 officially kicks off this Thursday night with near-instantly sold-out Much Ado About Nathan Nothing, and by the time all all is said and done with The Bling Ring on closing night, the 39th annual SIFF will have run a full 25 days, and that’s not even counting the three weeks of media/uber-member screenings in advance of the fest. Continue reading SIFF 2013 Pro-Tips, or Let’s Get Ready to Festival

Prepare to Festival with Bumbershoot 2012 Pro-Tips

Prepare to Festival with Bumbershoot 2012 Pro-Tips

One interesting (and unpredictable) sidebar thrown into the mix is the extensive work that’s been done on Mercer Street. I’m curious as to what kind of impact all of the re-routing will have on Bumber-traffic in general, and Bumbershoot attendance in particular. Whatever the case, leaving even earlier than usual will be a must for anyone who’s driving or busing in from outside of downtown proper. Continue reading Prepare to Festival with Bumbershoot 2012 Pro-Tips

Bumbershoot Pro Tips

Bumbershoot Pro Tips

We here at The SunBreak like to live A Life of Pro-Tips. To that end, here are some tips and tricks for how to best get around the festival.

Josh: As a general tip, the Bumbershoot iphone app is ready for downloading. It still doesn’t know about sharing your schedule with friends (or, even better, tracking your friends on the Seattle Center grounds) or figuring out which acts are the most popular among app users, but it’s a start and will still help you on time and aware of the schedule when your newsprint version gets horribly smudged. Continue reading Bumbershoot Pro Tips