The Great Washington ShakeOut, an Earthquake Drill, Set for Thursday Morning

The Great Washington ShakeOut, an Earthquake Drill, Set for Thursday Morning

“If kids come home from school and talk about what they did at school today and parents talk about what they did–and they both participated in the ShakeOut–it can lead a great discussion about how well the family is prepared, and encourages them to follow through on anything they still need to do to.” Continue reading The Great Washington ShakeOut, an Earthquake Drill, Set for Thursday Morning

The Pacific Northwest Has Got the “Tiny Quake” Shakes

The Pacific Northwest Has Got the “Tiny Quake” Shakes

This week has been especially active in Western Washington, with six quakes Tuesday, fourteen Wednesday, and eleven on Thursday. To date, our portion of the Pacific Rim’s Ring of Fire is merely feeling peptic: Some of these quakes are truly tiny, 0.2 and 0.4 magnitude on the Richter scale. But a 2.4 hit near Woodburn, Oregon, a little after 5 a.m. this morning. Continue reading The Pacific Northwest Has Got the “Tiny Quake” Shakes