Intiman’s <em>Dirty Story</em> Veers From Savage Drama to Sketch Comedy

Intiman’s Dirty Story Veers From Savage Drama to Sketch Comedy

Shanley has little novel to say with his allegory—though the comparison with America’s treatment of Native Americans feels smart and the dialogue is full of Wildean wit. There is some amusement in watching Shanley spin the variations and details out. Mostly it’s an opportunity to slowly remember details of the first act and see them newly contextualized in the overt analogue suggested by the second half. Continue reading Intiman’s Dirty Story Veers From Savage Drama to Sketch Comedy

A Stylish <em>Romeo & Juliet</em>, All Grown Up, at Intiman’s Summer Festival

A Stylish Romeo & Juliet, All Grown Up, at Intiman’s Summer Festival

It is all the more shocking to see Juliet rise out of her childishness and weeping to stand up to this assault but her next soliloquy proves that the change is permanent. As she prepares to fake her death Juliet speaks and finally connects with the audience. The production, which has belonged to Franzen’s Romeo, becomes Juliet’s coming-of-age story. Continue reading A Stylish Romeo & Juliet, All Grown Up, at Intiman’s Summer Festival