How Do Mudslides Affect Sounder North’s Low Ridership?

How Do Mudslides Affect Sounder North’s Low Ridership?

I would argue that the most significant factor in maintaining ridership, and building it through good word-of-mouth, is the elimination of canceled trains due to mudslides. It seems miraculous that there are 1,000 people so dogged they won’t let 30 canceled trains in January 2006 (and 44 in March 2011!) keep them from showing up at the station at 5:45 a.m. on a winter morning. Continue reading How Do Mudslides Affect Sounder North’s Low Ridership?

Button It, Seattle Snow Wimps, It Rained in L.A.

Button It, Seattle Snow Wimps, It Rained in L.A.

But all that is as nothing before the fury of a SoCal storm that lasts several hours. Let the L.A. Times show you a real winter storm. Downtown Los Angeles drowned under 0.59 inches of rain, and the “California Highway Patrol reported 422 traffic collisions.” (What is it with those clueless Los Angelenos? Always marching unarmed into their infrequent battles with rain….) Continue reading Button It, Seattle Snow Wimps, It Rained in L.A.