What We Talk About When We Talk About Seattle Street Food

What We Talk About When We Talk About Seattle Street Food

One clear difference between Portland and Seattle’s street food scenes is the more communal nature of Portland’s street food pods, where, leasing private space, seven or eight street food vendors might set up semi-permanently in a street food caravan. This way, they create street food destinations in neighborhoods throughout Portland. (It’s the same principle that’s activated the Madison & 12th Avenue area, for instance, where Lark, Canon, Cafe Presse, and Stumptown have clustered together.) Continue reading What We Talk About When We Talk About Seattle Street Food

Washington Federal’s Roy Whitehead on Banking, Public Trust, and Regulations

Washington Federal’s Roy Whitehead on Banking, Public Trust, and Regulations

Whitehead’s point deserves underscoring because it illustrates reason for economic optimism. Investors may well be “once bitten, twice shy,” but investor psychology can turn on a dime, much faster than can institutions with serious structural weaknesses. Not that winning back trust will be–or should be–easy. “If I could wave a magic wand,” admitted Whitehead, “I would bring back Glass-Steagall–or something like it.” Continue reading Washington Federal’s Roy Whitehead on Banking, Public Trust, and Regulations