Civil Engineers Give Washington a “C” on Infrastructure Report Card

Civil Engineers Give Washington a “C” on Infrastructure Report Card

Washington’s D+ subjects were roads and transit, even though, as the ASCE’s Shane Binder was quick to clarify, the state has very good track record in terms of safety — especially through its sustained reduction of highway fatalities — and a very good track record for accountability on its projects. Transit ridership, too, is far above the national average. Continue reading Civil Engineers Give Washington a “C” on Infrastructure Report Card

2/3 of State Roads in Washington are Rated “Poor” or “Mediocre”

2/3 of State Roads in Washington are Rated “Poor” or “Mediocre”

Here in Washington State, we are first in renewable energy, out of all the states. But we are faced with the unpleasant and yet unsurprising news that, with 83,505 public road miles, 67 percent of those roads are in poor or mediocre condition. Almost five percent of our bridges are rated structurally deficient. Continue reading 2/3 of State Roads in Washington are Rated “Poor” or “Mediocre”