Tsunami Debris Field Floating to West Coast Landfall (Photo Gallery)

Tsunami Debris Field Floating to West Coast Landfall (Photo Gallery)

Something Sendai this way floats, and Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) doesn’t want to wait until its projected 2014 arrival on West Coast shores to get ready for it. (Hawaii should see tsunami debris in 2013.)

After the 9.0 earthquake hit Japan on March 11 of this year, the ensuing tsunami swept more than 200,000 houses (not to mention boats and cars) out to sea, where oceanographers predict they will make a slow journey to the West Coast, stopping off first at the Hawaiian Islands. Continue reading Tsunami Debris Field Floating to West Coast Landfall (Photo Gallery)

Salmon Flu & You: Myths and Mysteries

Salmon Flu & You: Myths and Mysteries

The lethal and highly infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAV) has, it’s been reported by the New York Times, “detected for the first time in wild salmon in the Pacific Northwest.” The virulent form causes damage to blood vessels and blood cells–sick fish have pale gills and hemorrhage internally.

Of 48 juvenile sockeye salmon taken from British Columbia’s River Inlet, two tested positive for ISAV. Continue reading Salmon Flu & You: Myths and Mysteries