Seattle Public Schools to Parents: Psych! Now You Give Us $1 Billion?

Seattle Public Schools to Parents: Psych! Now You Give Us $1 Billion?

While I was trying to make sense of this dishearteningly stupid story, Seattle Public Schools made a new announcement: “New proposal calls for return to current 2011-12 transportation plan and minimal impact to current bell times.”

Seattle Schools Community Forum, which has been watchdogging the district on this, calls the statement a “remarkable piece of dis-information.” It’s hard to argue with their concerns about how transportation logistics became a last-minute fire drill. Continue reading Seattle Public Schools to Parents: Psych! Now You Give Us $1 Billion?

State Supreme Court Demands “Ample” Education Funding, But Careful What You Wish For

State Supreme Court Demands “Ample” Education Funding, But Careful What You Wish For

Pointedly, the justices remark: “This court cannot idly stand by as the legislature makes unfulfilled promises for reform.” Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown shot back that “the Supreme Court could help out the Legislature by taking a closer look at the constitutionality of a citizen initiative that forces lawmakers to get a two-thirds vote on any tax or fee change,” reports Tacoma’s News Tribune.

Of course, the state constitution refers only to primary and secondary education. The state has been making great strides in getting out of postsecondary education completely. Continue reading State Supreme Court Demands “Ample” Education Funding, But Careful What You Wish For