Theatre Puget Sound and Cornish Vie for Seattle Center Playhouse Lease

Theatre Puget Sound and Cornish Vie for Seattle Center Playhouse Lease

The Theatre Puget Sound “arts incubator” proposal represents, perhaps, a bigger break with Playhouse management past–Cornish replacing Intiman as the singular primary tenant isn’t structurally that different, except for being a college, instead of a theatre)–but it may be a good break. As TPS makes clear, they are not a producing organization, so their management of the Playhouse can be devoted to its maximal usage. Continue reading Theatre Puget Sound and Cornish Vie for Seattle Center Playhouse Lease

<em>As You Like It</em> is a Swell Romance

As You Like It is a Swell Romance

The more unique images from the play are a wrestling match and a lunatic lover penning terrible poems to his lady and pinning them on trees. It also features one of Shakespeare’s most famous speeches delivered by the morosely philosophical Jacques (a solid David Pichette). A murmur of recognition passes through the audience in the Center House Theatre as he launches into the Seven Ages of Man speech: “All the world’s a stage, / And all the men and women merely players…” Continue reading As You Like It is a Swell Romance