Seattle Weekly Part of Village Voice Media Sale That Has Online Pimps Asking, “What Next?”

Seattle Weekly Part of Village Voice Media Sale That Has Online Pimps Asking, “What Next?”

Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin will retain ownership of Backpage, while divesting themselves of the newspapers. As they explain, their refusal to verify legal age is purely about free speech: “[O]ur publishing business covers thirteen cities and nine states; Backpage spans 600 cities and contemplated expansion envisions business in more than two dozen countries.” Continue reading Seattle Weekly Part of Village Voice Media Sale That Has Online Pimps Asking, “What Next?”

Seattle Weekly Tries Soft-Pedaling the Whole Juvenile Prostitution Thing

Seattle Weekly Tries Soft-Pedaling the Whole Juvenile Prostitution Thing

Last year, Seattle Weekly ran some eight or nine stories up the flagpole, alternately attacking misleading statistics and moralists, and defending their right to free speech and libertarian profit motive. Opposed were the City Council’s Tim Burgess, left, and Mayor Mike McGinn.

The last Weekly-written piece seems to have been in August 2011, but VVM has not given up the fight. PubliCola notes their unsigned editorial claiming that New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof has gotten his facts wrong, too. Continue reading Seattle Weekly Tries Soft-Pedaling the Whole Juvenile Prostitution Thing

Seattle Weeklies Reach Font Détente

Seattle Weeklies Reach Font Détente

This one’s for the typeface nerds out there. Maybe this is like how you get the second showing of a syndicated film for cheaper, but with fonts. That said, The Stranger’s headline writer clearly wins this round. No one cares what’s coming soon to LQA, unless it’s news of an outbreak centered, geographically, between Ozzie’s and the Spectator Grill. “SIFF Goes Uptown” was probably taken already, but still. Continue reading Seattle Weeklies Reach Font Détente

Seattle Doesn’t Have a Pothole Problem–It Has a Repaving Problem

Seattle Doesn’t Have a Pothole Problem–It Has a Repaving Problem

Claims against the city for pothole damages totaled more than $88,000 in 2010-11, with 443 claims filed. That’s a “a 270% increase in the number of pothole claims submitted to the city and a 241% increase in the amount of money paid on those claims,” says the Weekly, compared to a four-year average of the preceding years.

But before your blood pressure spikes, keep in mind that last winter was a doozy. Continue reading Seattle Doesn’t Have a Pothole Problem–It Has a Repaving Problem

Tim Burgess Speaks Out on <em>Seattle Weekly</em>-Child Prostitution Link

Tim Burgess Speaks Out on Seattle Weekly-Child Prostitution Link

The Seattle City Council’s Tim Burgess has distinct credibility in the fight against child prostitution–he’s no Ashton-come-lately. His concern with child prostitution in Seattle appears the first year of his Council service, in 2008, and he’s consistently used his position as chair of the Council’s Public Safety and Education Committee to press for action. So when he offers the facts on child prostitution in Seattle, it’s worth listening. Continue reading Tim Burgess Speaks Out on Seattle Weekly-Child Prostitution Link