What’s a Working Waterfront Worth, Anyway?

What’s a Working Waterfront Worth, Anyway?

Berger is right to call for due diligence in inspecting funding assumptions, and he’s half-right about using Seattle Center as a cautionary tale–it may be called “Seattle Center” but when it comes to funding maintenance and improvements, the City of Seattle generally runs the other way.

But to call what James Corner Field Operations is designing a “park” is like calling a space shuttle a “thermal tiling system.” Continue reading What’s a Working Waterfront Worth, Anyway?

James Corner Field Operations Fills in Details on Seattle’s New Waterfront Design

James Corner Field Operations Fills in Details on Seattle’s New Waterfront Design

Now, “nothing in this presentation is final or fixed, it continues to evolve,” Corner emphasized at the presentation–we are still very much in an illustrative and iterative phase, where ideas are offered, feedback is taken, and they evolve, or perhaps just disappear. So far, the public baths are hanging in there. (“They’d be managed,” Corner explained. “We presented that idea a little naively.” “Oh, no, I’m for them,” I told him. “Well, we’re not holding a vote,” he retorted, to which I wanted to reply, That’s what you think, buddy! This is Seattle. There will be a series of votes.) Continue reading James Corner Field Operations Fills in Details on Seattle’s New Waterfront Design