Three New Works Invite Repeated Viewing at Velocity’s SCUBA 2013

Three New Works Invite Repeated Viewing at Velocity’s SCUBA 2013

Initially, the movements are both mechanically precise and slightly cliché, Broadway-musical-style, but then the dancers start shouting out icebreaker-style questions to each other about their pasts that get a litte intrusive (“Where did you lose your virginity?”) and as answers are given, the strict cohesion falters and they start interacting with each other with more idiosyncratic movement. Continue reading Three New Works Invite Repeated Viewing at Velocity’s SCUBA 2013

OtB’s Northwest New Works Festival, Take Two (Review)

OtB’s Northwest New Works Festival, Take Two (Review)

In the studio, The FINGER Songbook brought “haunting madrigals about sex, death and produce”–multi-instrumentalist Julie Baldridge clowning musically with Queen Shmooquan’s Jeppa Hall, who clowns in every other way imaginable. From the opening ode to meat, with Hall stepping into too-large hiking boots and clomping around, the performance set a pleasantly whacked-out tone that felt positively Canadian.

Lori Hamar’s Blood Line was more serious, and a dance work that (it’s not immediately apparent) has to do with the internment of Ukrainians during WWI. Continue reading OtB’s Northwest New Works Festival, Take Two (Review)